Written by: Charles McHale Photo Courtesy: www.energytin.com For years, we've had a plethora of energy drinks on the market, and as Americans, we are constantly in high demand for them. I think the first energy drink I ever heard of was Red Bull, which very well may be the first energy drink out there. Actually, I just did some research... it's not. But for years, it always seemed to be the most popular energy drink on the market, with a pretty decent campaign. "Red Bull, it gives you wings!". I think it's pretty catchy, and it works... It's just plain fun, what the energy supplement should be (in my humble opinion). But I'm not here to blabber on about Red Bull. I'm here to talk about 5-Hour Energy and the incredibly annoying commercials they use to captivate their consumers, not to mention medical reasons behind buying it.
Image Credit: Alex Zarnoski. Other layers to the self credited artists. Mass panic begins with a news broadcast and ends with your wallet. No one news station is to blame. The overall media hype machine is playing games with our sanity and there’s no end in sight. Let’s take a step backwards and try to remember a time before Twitter, Facebook, and the Internet as it exists today. Ad agencies are after your brains at all costs. Some opt for slick, non-invasive Inception tactics. And then there's those that, like botched biology experiments, are so bad they threaten human culture itself. Here are four rotten commercial campaigns that not only want to eat your scrambled brains but can turn you into a raging, flesh-craving walker yourself. Tips for surviving your encounters with these ads and an antidote for the bitten. |
DisclamerR.A.N.T. writersR.A.N.T. is a blog fueled by intense enthusiasm for notable subjects in the world. Our writers ramble about these topics based on pure opinion, which is better than your opinion, I might add. There is no topic, idea, thought, philosophy, or belief that our team will not tackle.
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August 2014