By: Charles McHale
By: Charles McHale | @NessKids ![]() Well here we are, in a world where The Oscars actually happened, and I lived a day where it has happened. It looks like the same exact thing happened in my world yesterday as if The Academy Awards were nonexistent described here. The only difference is that I didn't watch Family Feud, and I had a cup of coffee. By: Charles McHale
![]() If you were like me two months ago, your knowledge of anime was limited to Hayao Miyazaki films and your knowledge of manga was limited to Scott Pilgrim. Fast forward two months and skip the parts where I metaphorically drop acid and crush pills between pages and pages of comic drawings. Somewhere inside that mess, I discovered my gateway drugs to anime and manga. ![]() The series finale of The Office aired last night (very appropriate ending) and now all I can think about are all of the funniest moments that happened throughout the series. A lot of these moments occur during the intros of the episodes. So in honor of the ending of The Office, I put together five of my favorite intros. I think you'll enjoy this (That's what she said). Written by: Charles McHale ![]() Get ready. Get set. Go.. change the channel now!! Approximately 8 years and on it's 16th season, Dancing With the Stars is still up and going strong. 16 goddamn seasons of this filth. 16 goddamn seasons!! Many people would disagree with me, since it's such a popular program. But really, when it comes down to it, it's just another show on television for network to glorify celebrities, wash ups at that. So what would the world be like without DWS? Well, let's get into why it's as bad as I say it is first. Written by: Charles McHale ![]() I found this on www.funpop.com I remember this one time when I watched a show that I really liked a lot. It was last week. I watched an original show the other day and it was enjoyed by me so much. It was maybe 5-7 days ago that I watched a television show that I was laughing so much that my chocolate milk that I was drinking came through my nose. I was watching it and I couldn't stop laughing I almost peed my pants, okay maybe I did pee just a little bit, but we'll keep that between me and you, we don't want the whole world to know about this lol. I watched Two and a Half Men. On this episode: Host Kyle Cicilioni is joined by Charles McHale and Mark Dillman to eat the brains of a discussion about The Walking Dead. Runtime: 48 minutes DOWNLOAD AUDIO Producer / Editor / Host: Kyle Cicilioni
![]() Image Credit: Alex Zarnoski. Other layers to the self credited artists. Mass panic begins with a news broadcast and ends with your wallet. No one news station is to blame. The overall media hype machine is playing games with our sanity and there’s no end in sight. Let’s take a step backwards and try to remember a time before Twitter, Facebook, and the Internet as it exists today. ![]() With tons of zombie, reality, fairy tale, and vampire television shows saturating the TV market, it's difficult to find "quality" shows. There is so much television out there that no one person can watch it all, which is why sometimes truly great shows fall between the cracks and get prematurely cancelled. I'm here to help change that. Continuing my annual 'Top of the Year' lists, below are my Top 5 TV shows of 2012. ![]() With so many television shows on television, how do we know what television shows are worth watching on television? Some may say that is a good question. Others may say that it's a great question. I say, why don't you just ask me? Yeah, that's right, I'm what you may call a television connoisseur, if you will. I love television shows, but I don't watch crap. I'll watch any type of show, it doesn't even matter what type of show it is. As long as it's a good show of that type of show, I'll watch it. You know me, that's how I am everyone! And if you didn't know me, now you do! There's a lot of great shows on television, and I'm here to talk about one of the better ones on the air today. And that one that's one of the better one's that I'm going to talk about of the television shows that's on the air today is, The Bachelor. In this entire article, I'm going to talk about how great of a show The Bachelor is. ![]() February is usually a pretty slow time of the year for all forms of media and this year is no different. I'm not including the few TV shows will air the second half of their seasons that started last fall (its a whole other argument on why they even split their seasons in half to begin with). I'm here to give you the scoop on whether you should See or Flee from these five new releases. |
DisclamerR.A.N.T. writersR.A.N.T. is a blog fueled by intense enthusiasm for notable subjects in the world. Our writers ramble about these topics based on pure opinion, which is better than your opinion, I might add. There is no topic, idea, thought, philosophy, or belief that our team will not tackle.
Rambling About Notable Topics is also in podcast form! Check the blog regularly for audio episodes hosted by Kyle Cicilioni where he and his guests will engage in debates, arguments, and and silly quarrels about a different topic each episode. Archives
August 2014
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