Written by: Mark Dillman ![]() April is the cruelest month according to poet T.S. Eliot. But has Hollywood made March the movie release wasteland? I’ll tell you where to take refuge if you take my advice and Flee the multiplex this month.
![]() Achoo! God bless you. Pretty common thing, right? While it may be common, it certainly doesn’t make it any less annoying. I’m not talking about the “god bless you” response, I’m referring to the sneeze itself. Sneezing is one of my biggest pet peeves. The worst part about it is that I have absolutely no control over it. On this episode: Host Kyle Cicilioni is joined by Chris Burke to discuss next-gen gaming and the recent announcement of the PS4. Runtime: 45 minutes DOWNLOAD AUDIO Producer / Editor / Host: Kyle Cicilioni
![]() They are considered the most prestigious awards for film in the industry. The Academy Awards are given out each year to films for their achievements in cinema. They even call themselves "the world's preeminent movie-related organization of the most accomplished men and women working in cinema". You would assume that winning an Oscar is the highest honor anyone in the film industry could obtain. I’m about to explain to you why that’s no longer the case. ![]() Twitter is for "pr0n." Not only can you follow celebrities, public figures, and friends, you can also follow just about anything. And this isn't to say you can't follow a healthy pair of personified knockers or a happy-go-lucky, singing ding-dong... Twitter can also be a powerful tool for communication and media consumption. I'll do my best to squeeze my remaining thoughts into a cozy 140 characters. Written by: Charles McHale ![]() Well America? What do you have to offer for me to listen to today? No, really, I'm looking for something really fun to listen to. Oh, what's that? Fun.? Hmmm, don't mind if I do! Easily, one of the best bands to hit the earth, new and upcoming, is the band Fun.. In case you're wondering why I wrote 2 periods to end that previous sentence, it's because at the end of the name of their band title, they have a period on it. I haven't even started explaining this fun loving band and already mentioned how extremely clever they are. So what's so great about Fun.? Well easily, they hit number one on the U.S. Billboard 100 list, won best new artist on The Grammys, and best song of 2012, also on The Grammys. All this stuff proves everything that I'm about to explain, but that's only the beginning ladies and gentlemen.! Written by: Kyle Cicilioni | @kylecicilioni ![]() Chocolates? Flowers? Cards with snuggly teddy bears on them? Must be Valentine’s Day. Probably the most overrated “holiday” in existence. If this holiday isn’t making single people feel bad about themselves its making taken people wish they were single (ha, see what I did there?). I’ve spent many Valentine’s Days single (not anymore) and honestly it isn’t all that bad. If you find yourself alone for Valentine’s Day, here are a few rules to follow. On this episode: Host Kyle Cicilioni is joined by Charles McHale and Mark Dillman to eat the brains of a discussion about The Walking Dead. Runtime: 48 minutes DOWNLOAD AUDIO Producer / Editor / Host: Kyle Cicilioni
![]() Image Credit: Alex Zarnoski. Other layers to the self credited artists. Mass panic begins with a news broadcast and ends with your wallet. No one news station is to blame. The overall media hype machine is playing games with our sanity and there’s no end in sight. Let’s take a step backwards and try to remember a time before Twitter, Facebook, and the Internet as it exists today. ![]() Does this not say it all? Ahh yes, the Philadelphia Wing Bowl. How can we find a way to pack as many of the 7 Deadly Sins into one giant building? Well, maybe not all of them, but I think 6 of them definitely make it, and 6 is more than enough to describe a seriously sinful celebration of Gluttony. I've only known of the PWB for a few years and only been to one of these events. But really, only one time taught me everything I need to know about this over-sized human waste infested cesspool. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Pride and Wrath are 6 of the 7 Deadly Sins we witness at this astonishing event of heaving heffers. And who knows? Maybe by the time I get to the end of this article, I'll find a way to squeeze Envy in here as well. |
DisclamerR.A.N.T. writersR.A.N.T. is a blog fueled by intense enthusiasm for notable subjects in the world. Our writers ramble about these topics based on pure opinion, which is better than your opinion, I might add. There is no topic, idea, thought, philosophy, or belief that our team will not tackle.
Rambling About Notable Topics is also in podcast form! Check the blog regularly for audio episodes hosted by Kyle Cicilioni where he and his guests will engage in debates, arguments, and and silly quarrels about a different topic each episode. Archives
August 2014