Image Credit: Alex Zarnoski This is what happens when Dr. Pooper asks you to write an article about nutrition. So here goes nothing: Your body is like a camera. The light coming through the lens and hitting the sensor is like food going into your mouth and hitting your stomach. The processors inside the camera decide what to do with the information you've just given it, as does your brain when you eat. Too much light and you'll overexpose your shot, too much food and you're likely to...well, you get the picture.
Image Credit: Alex Zarnoski Hi there. My name is Dr. Pooper. You may remember me from such shows as The Salinor Show 8: A Doctor and His Salsbury In 3D. Since then I’ve been exploring the world of nutrition with my friend, Helper, searching for better ways to take care of your pooper. Today we’ll be discussing one of my favorite discoveries: The Mediterranean Healthy Eating Lifestyle. |
DisclamerR.A.N.T. writersR.A.N.T. is a blog fueled by intense enthusiasm for notable subjects in the world. Our writers ramble about these topics based on pure opinion, which is better than your opinion, I might add. There is no topic, idea, thought, philosophy, or belief that our team will not tackle.
Rambling About Notable Topics is also in podcast form! Check the blog regularly for audio episodes hosted by Kyle Cicilioni where he and his guests will engage in debates, arguments, and and silly quarrels about a different topic each episode. Archives
August 2014