Since I have already listened to the leak of this album, I can already say this is a great way to open the month of April for music. I've always liked Tyler and have been following him since Basterd. But his most recent, Goblin, was nothing less than a disappointment. Yes "Yonkers" was a great song, but it didn't make up for the rest of the album of him bitching about the critics that bashed him. Please don't hate more for saying this Tyler. If you do, actually I don't really care. With that being said, it's very exciting to know he's back and better than ever. Plus he gives a shout out to Lil B. Ya feel me!?

Evil Dead (Film) - See
Come get some! You want some? How about you? Yes, Evil Dead is back and it's going to f$%@ing rock. Terror, monsters, blood, guts and gore, how could you ask for any more? No, that rhyme was not intentional, but I'll keep it in there. So what's so great about Evil Dead? Well, it's only one of the most memorable cult classic horror flicks of all time! Released in 1981, it wasn't the most popular of movies. But after being shown at a film festival in 1982, and a rave review from Stephen King, the movie gained the momentum it deserved and is now known to be one of the greatest horror films of all time. Normally I'm not big on remakes (to be honest, I despise them), but considering Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi are 2 of the several producers of the movie, it's going to be done well.
Yes, more Don Draper, Roger Sterling, and Joan Harris. This is probably the peak of my excitement for the month. It's definitely one of the greatest shows on television today, if not, the best. The show takes place in 1960s New York City where Donald Draper works as an executive of one of the biggest ad agencies of the time. One of the best things I could say about the show is that it's written incredibly well. There's always a sense of reality whenever I watch this, like serious reality. If I watch too much of this show at one time, I'll feel extremely depressed, which is too bad because I could never get enough of it. But this isn't a bad thing, it just shows how realistic the show really is. (Spoiler Alert!) One of the most memorable moments of the show was one of Betty's dream sequences. In the time that she's giving birth to her baby, she gets knocked out and goes into this crazed trippy dream. I'll spare you the description of the dream, but it was to a tee of a real dream. If you're not caught up with the show, catch up. If not, it shouldn't be too hard to find out what's going on.
I'm not wasting any more time than I need to on this piece of shit band. They're a bunch of douche bags and they're making America dumber than it already is.

I haven't listened to this duo half as much as I should have. You might be familiar with Fever Ray, which is the moniker of one of the members Andersson. Her music is featured on the opening theme for the new show Vikings and also in Breaking Bad. They come from Sweden and are wildly popular out there. They have won several Swedish Grammis, but they never attend the actual award ceremonies. Jeez, I wish the Grammis around here were a little more like Sweden's. Anyway, It's definitely going to be a great album, one of the high points of the month.
Written by: Charles McHale