The Writers
So, In Conclusion
Written by: Charles McHale
Written by: Charles McHale ![]() I found this on www.funpop.com I remember this one time when I watched a show that I really liked a lot. It was last week. I watched an original show the other day and it was enjoyed by me so much. It was maybe 5-7 days ago that I watched a television show that I was laughing so much that my chocolate milk that I was drinking came through my nose. I was watching it and I couldn't stop laughing I almost peed my pants, okay maybe I did pee just a little bit, but we'll keep that between me and you, we don't want the whole world to know about this lol. I watched Two and a Half Men. The WritersChuck Lorre has the same first name as I do. It says that my name is Charles McHale at the top of the screen but people call me Chuck a lot of the times. But the only other different thing about our name is our last name. His last name is Lorre, and mine is McHale. Two absolutely different names. But we go by Chuck mostly. He wrote Dharma and Greg which is one of the funniest shows to ever hit television ever. Some people say I might be a little bold to say that, but I'm not. I'm a grown up and I'm good so there. I like his other shows too. He even has another show that's on television right now. It's always on television it's The Big Bang Theory. That show and this show are the best television shows on television ever today. I can't wait to watch a new episode of both of them at the same time. I might spray my chocolate milk out of my nose and my ears at the same time now. If you remember before I said I laughed with chocolate milk coming out of my nose. That joke was inspired by Chuck Lorre. That's one thing he taught me how to do lol. HistoryAnyone recognize this guy? Me neither. I did some research on him and he used to be on Two and a Half Men like forever ago. His name is Charlie Sheen. We have the same name too. But not the same last name. Mine is McHale, and his is Sheen. The names are so much different and everything, where mine starts with an M and his starts with an S. I'm not going to get into it since there's not enough time so and such. I don't know what his deal is with not being on the show anymore messing up like that. He doesn't realize he's on the best show in the world ever in the future of sometime pretty soon (my prediction). By the way everyone, he probably isn't winning like he pretends he is, I think he is probably doing nothing now at all. I want to find out what he's been up to lately, but I won't. He's definitely not making anymore money anymore. He might in fact be homeless and stuff. Ashton Kutcher knows what's up, he's heading up there in that direction. He'll go into a place that people that hang out in and what he's supposed to do will go is what I'm saying. In other words, he's literally the funniest actor ever... Research says that Two and a Half Men really in fact isn't the only thing that he's done. The Butterfly Effect, Dude, Where's My Car?, and he was even in Saving Private Ryan as Private Caparzo. He was even in another hit sitcom show like 20 some years ago. He's going to go there when he is ready to be in his prime (if not already (superman if none the lest)). JokesOkay Two and a Half men, what are you so inclined to show us? I wasn't really actually asking that question to the show, what I was doing was saying that so I would talk about why this show is good. So, this show has non-stop jokes for the whole family. Okay, maybe little 2 year old Tommy is too young for this joke style in this show. But other than that, the jokes are for the whole family and they're so funny. Okay, so maybe not suited for 10 year old Tommy either. But if Mom was there to watch you, the jokes are for the whole family and they don't stop. I remember the way last week's episode started. Walden (Ashton Kutcher) and other character of the show Alan (Jon Cryer) start the opening of the episode by doing yoga. Alan is doing yoga he needs help Walden gets up behind him it looks like the two of them are doing something two guys are not supposed to do the housekeeper comes in and says, "this is none of my business". Believe it or not, but seriously believe it, I was on the floor laughing so hard that I couldn't help but laugh so hard that I was loud. Like really really loud lol. They even had super funny superstar Miley Cyrus on the show in another episode. I love Miley Cyrus so much. She's so funny when she crosses her eyes and does funny and weird sounds and talks in a funny voice. I love all of her shows on Disney. Trivia of the day, did you know that she is Hannah Montana? I didn't know either, I just found out which is great because I love that cartoon too. ScriptingThere are so many scripts all the time. There are so many scripts that I can't even tell how many scripts there are a day. Doctors say their study of scripts and there are at least 600 billion scripts a day. That's enough to fill a whole pool at my neighbors house. My neighbor's pool is so big. I could fit like 30 dogs in it if I really wanted to. But of all of those scripts, how many are good? Probably like 40 because those are what are written on to for Two and a Half Men. If there's one thing Two and a Half Men can do, it's telling us a whole story for the whole family. So what's the catch? Ladies and Gentlemen? There's no catch! Most recent story I saw from the show was Walden getting his private parts hurt. They hurt so bad that a lonely Doctor helped him through it. Then Walden said to the Doctor that they should party all the time because the Doctor was so lonely without his wife anymore. Walden had no idea what he was in for. The Doctor just wanted to party all the time.. literally!! He would party all night and wake up just fine making a Bloody Mary for people in the morning with no problem and drink the whole thing. Walden and Alan didn't know what to do with life in this situation. How does this happen today? Spoiler alert! Don't read anymore if you don't want to know the ending if you haven't seen it yet! The Doctor gets kicked out and the moral of the story is to buy tin garbage baskets instead of wicker garbage baskets so we have something to throw up into when we feel so hungover from too much potato juice. Sorry if you didn't see it and this was spoiled for you. So, In ConclusionSo, in conclusion, I was watching Two and a Half Men and I must say I'm a lot of impressed. 10 out of 10 stars
Written by: Charles McHale
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