Now before you start attacking me about women equality and so forth, there's no way you could look me in the eye with a straight face and say that the majority of women know more about college basketball than men. That would be like saying men know more about one of those stupid wedding shows or extreme makeover whatever edition they're on now. Generally speaking, a guy knows more about sports than his girlfriend would.
So I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you know more about college basketball than your girlfriend does. Congratulations. But the the beauty about the NCAA tournament is that sometimes its so unpredictable that it doesn't matter how many games you've watched or what statistics you know; upsets happen and you need to be extraordinarily lucky to figure them out. So much so that if you had Wichita St. in this year's Final Four I'll stop writing this and promise to name my first-born son in your honor.
You'll notice I'm still typing though because most likely you did not. On the off chance that someone is actually reading this who did pick them to get this far, I'm honored that this article has gone viral. Since the odds of that are slim to none, let's just say that I'm still right in assuming you had them losing in say the second round.
So, how can you increase your chances in picking what team will be this year's Cinderella story? Swallow your bracketology pride, and ask your girlfriend. Now sure, her picks may be based on her favorite mascots, which player or coach she thinks is attractive or by what uniforms have the best color combinations, but that ideology may be all that you need for bragging rights in your next office pool. That's not to say that you shouldn't use at least some common judgement while filling out your bracket. You know that a #16 seed has never beaten a #1 seed and so forth. Maybe she won't even pick any upsets, but if she likes Florida Gulf Coast because of the kid in dreadlocks, you may not be in the wrong to take her advice. Just be sure to split your winnings, or you may be in for a long weekend marathon of Say Yes To the Dress.
Written by: John Lund