By: Chase McDougalberg | @NessKids
Today is the big day for the big release of Apple's new product iPhone 6. For those of you who may not know what an iPhone is, it's the obvious number one mobile device in the market. Any other cell phone is just complete total absolute garbage.
Though Android phones fall in the "trash" category in the most understood manner, there is quite the cult following behind them. Androids (or "Droids") stand in the market for cell phones like Emachines stand in the market for PCs. They are obviously the most barbaric of choices and most uneducated of consumers. The only excuse for users of "Droids" being as opinionated as they are about their devices is that they clearly never used an iPhone in their entire lives. But even the most arrogant of these users might have a moment of humility by saying something positive about the new iPhone release.
In an interview with Anthony Dreyfus, I asked one single question for an hour of discussion, mostly from him. Actually, the whole rest of the interview was from his end.
In an interview with Anthony Dreyfus, I asked one single question for an hour of discussion, mostly from him. Actually, the whole rest of the interview was from his end.
Q: What do you think about the release of the iPhone 6
A: "The iPhone 6 could..." "" "" "...of..." "...the..." "" "...inventions..." "" "...contribute..." "" "...the..." " industry..." "...ever".
So there you have it. Of course we couldn't show the whole interview, we just showed the most important part. The positive words. And that's the word.
iPhone 6 is released today. If you haven't pre-ordered this piece of amazing history, it will be available again in October.
By: Chase McDougalburg
iPhone 6 is released today. If you haven't pre-ordered this piece of amazing history, it will be available again in October.
By: Chase McDougalburg