By: Peter Gilroy | @NessKids ![]() Here marks two days away from Oscar Sunday. It's almost unbelievable that it was just a year ago that we were looking forward to the Big Sunday. Here's a lesson of the way things used to be for the Oscars back in the day.
![]() If there's anything we might be missing out on in life, it's other things that we can be eating that we don't know about. Sushi, Ostrich Meat and Beef Tar-Tar are all delicacies that we know are within an expensive arms reach, but we've known of these foods for literally thousands of years. So what can there be that we're missing out on you may ask? By: Chase McDougalberg ![]() With all the snow we have seen this winter, it's hard to believe it will ever go away. The fact is that it's going to have to disappear at some point as it always does somehow. So where does the snow go when it goes rogue? Researchers and scientists have been asking and have been asked this question for more than two decades now and they still can't even guess what happens to it in the end. Since not a single person has any idea of what's going on, I figured I would do some investigating myself. TNBy: Peter Gilroy | @NessKids ![]() Well NEPA, looks like we're stuck inside for the day again. A day on the town you might ask? No way Jose'. If I could stay inside I would be one happy camper. The chores are out of the way and the driveway is shoveled again. So what's there to do inside for our entertainment today? Here's your television schedule for the day. 8:00 AM - Ch12 EWTN - Daily Mass
9:00 AM - Ch6 WNEP - Live! With Kelley and Michael 10:00 AM - Ch12 EWTN - Best of Mother Angelica Live 11:00 AM - Ch2 WYOU - The Price is Right 12:00 PM - Ch6 WNEP - The News 12:30 PM - Ch7 WSWB - The rest of Judge Mathis 1:00 PM - Ch7 WSWB - The Bill Cunningham Show 2:00 PM - Ch3 WBRE - The Dr. Ox Show 3:00 PM - Ch5 WOLF - Rachael Ray 4:00 PM - Ch6 WNEP - The News 5:00 PM - Ch6 WNEP - The News 6:00 PM - Ch6 WNEP - The News 6:30 PM - Ch7 WSWB - Two and a Half Men 7:00 PM - Ch6 WNEP - The News 7:30 PM - Ch5 WOLF - The Big Bang Theory 8:00 PM - Ch12 EWTN - Mother Angelica Live Classics By: Peter Gilroy By: Charles McHale | @NessKids I may be a single man, but I've had my fair share of relationships in the past to know how to treat my woman right on that special day. Whether it's a dinner and a movie, movie and a dinner or just a simple romantic dinner at home and a DVD player for two, I've seen and done it all. But this year, I'm really going to think outside the box in hopes that everyone can have a great V-Day. Who knows? Maybe I'll have my way with myself by the end of the night with one of these rock solid ideas. By: Kimberly Dunn | @NessKids ![]() They may just call me a fashion buff, which I am. But that's all they think of me, which is really the best occupation I have going for myself. Who is they anyway? Okay, so I have a lot of media praise and my life on the line from Chuck, who has my back on this whole article (plus my paycheck lol). What are the best new styles to keep your lady friend happy when just loving her is not enough? Here are a couple hints I get from my girl. By: Peter Gilroy | @NessKids ![]() As you may or may not know, Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I know I have my shoes shined for the occasion. They're the shoes I was wearing when I first met my wife Paula. She always tells me they're her favorite shoes, and maybe I should wear them more often. I always tell her, "not so fast Paula, these are only for one occasion, and that's to take you out for a nice Valentine's dinner." "What's that?", she always asks. Paula. In a sense she's right though, only because I never know what restaurant to choose from with so many in the NEPA 570 area. So many to choose from, but which ones are the best? By: Chase McDougalberg | @NessKids ![]() Chase here [you where] with an introductory blog post on, Chase McDougalburg's 570 Insight, the Chase McDougalberg's Insight of 570 and other things (On BT). First topic ever, "What's Eating Bieber?". Or may the better topic be, "What's Bieber Eating so Pleasefully and Easy?". They say it's cliche' to do a story like this, but really, I'm just elaborating heavily on a story that was already done. Not only am I hearing these notes about "The Bieb's" being in the mile *high* club from my wife who reads the paper all the time and keeps tabloid alerts of world news on her computer, just for me. But I also hear this stuff from my neighborhood. I've spoken to a lot of local cops about this situation and I got some pretty interesting responses. I just want to warn you, the responses may be graphic.
"He's just a kid", Deputy Chief Sean Dunnigan said who has been in the presence of delinquent scum as such as Bieber for more than 3 months. He continued, "He'll get the same fines and charges anyone else at his age would get, pretty much". Pretty Much? I had to know what Pretty Much meant in this mysterious meeting with a malevolent malicious monster and what it could have amounted to. Then I asked Paul Winkler, commissioner. "The kid is just a kid, he's probably just as confused as the rest of the peers his age, not to mention that he grew up such a fulfilling life in such a short time. (laughs) He probably experienced more in his 19 years of life than I have my entire 55 (laughs more)". As Winkler laughs, I can't help but agree the terror that the young boy deserves. "A kid is a kid", he said. So what will they do with him? Life without girls?.. Life without boys?.. Life without Pokemon Chocolate Frosted Pikachu Cake? Life in prison will most likely happen in the gloomiest/most eerie and most likely of all situations. Chase McDougalburg, BT News. By: Chase McDougalberg By: Peter Gilroy | @NessKids ![]() So, what do we have in entertainment today 570? Oh not too much enna? There's a lot of snow out there? Well yes, I hear the birds chirping and the window is bright, so there couldn't be a flake of snow out there. I guess I'll take a look at the town. Holy maceral! It's a Snowy Wonderland out there? Hey honey take a look! It's beautiful out there ain't she? Well 570, you gave me yet another thing for me to think about for what I'm going to do today. I have some mouse traps that can be set behind the fridge and maybe a couple pieces of toast and maybe a biscuit and tea with honey in it. I'll look through my collection of VHS tapes and hopefully find a couple episodes of Ricky Lake. I haven't quite found out yet whatever happened to her, she was terrific. If I can't find those, I always know where my La Femme Nikita tapes are. Those were the better days of television, the 90s. There wasn't any Kanye Kardashian or whatever the hell, things were simpler. Even the OJ case with how crazy it was, simpler. Funny Broncos jokes between that case and The Super Bowl. But things were not too heavy, and not too light at that time, I digress. I'd better get back to searching for those tapes, times a wasting. Hope that tea isn't too hot either. By: Peter Gilroy By: Charles McHale | @NessKids ![]() After last night's Super Bowl, we might feel more unsatisfied than we ever have. "Why is that?", you may ask. Well if you haven't done your research or really even realize that very subtle Half-Time show was no more than uneventful and unsatisfactory, here are some stats that might make you understand that empty stomach you're feeling after The Big Game. |
BT of NEPAFrom 570? How about 57-United States? Not only will we cover the NEPA area of new and hip ways to live, but how everyone in the U.S. and possibly everywhere else in the world can keep up with the trends. Gregory ShallsChief animation artist for NEPA. You'll see his work on the Crappy Comics section of Ajazz.
Kimberly Dunn570 Fashion? 570 fashion!!
Peter Gilroy570 Entertainment
C. McDougalberg570 News, hot off the press.
March 2015